Celebrities, Nina Dobrev

Celebrities, Nina Dobrev

Okay, my strangest fan experience was when I was in LA with Miriam [McDonald] and Cassie [Steele]. We were in a restaurant, and I went to the washroom and at one point when I walked out of the stall, this girl took a picture of me with her cell phone! And then after that, another girl came up to me and said, ‘Why did you kill JT?!’ Obviously I was shocked. I didn’t kill JT! It’s a character and my character’s fictional. It was very strange.
- Nina Dobrev, talking about a strange fan experience

팬과 관련된 나의 가장 특이했던 경험은 내가 LA에 미리엄(Miriam)과 캐시(Cassie)와 함께 있을 때였어요. 우리는 음식점에 있었고, 나는 화장실을 갔어요. 복도를 걸어나오고 있는데 한 소녀가 그녀의 핸드폰으로 나를 찍었어요. 그리고는 또다른 소녀가 내게 다가와 물었죠. "왜 당신은 JT를 죽였나요?" 나는 놀랐어요. 난 JT를 죽이지 않았어요. 그것은 캐릭터였고, 나의 캐릭터는 허구일 뿐이잖아요. 그건 내게 매우 특이한 경험이었죠.
- 니나 도브레브 (Nina Dobrev | Nina Constantinova Dobrev) 영화배우

Celebrities, Nina Dobrev, 연예인, 니나 도브레브, Quotes, Quotations

Albert Joseph Moore, A Summer Night, c. 1887

Albert Joseph Moore, A Summer Night, c. 1887

A Summer Night is a painting by Albert Joseph Moore[1]

Albert Joseph Moore (1841-1893), A Summer Night, c. 1887, oil on canvas, h 132 x w 228 cm, Walker Art Gallery[2]
Left part of "Albert Joseph Moore (1841-1893), A Summer Night, c. 1887, oil on canvas, h 132 x w 228 cm, Walker Art Gallery"
Right part of "Albert Joseph Moore (1841-1893), A Summer Night, c. 1887, oil on canvas, h 132 x w 228 cm, Walker Art Gallery"
Remastered color of "Albert Joseph Moore (1841-1893), A Summer Night, c. 1887, oil on canvas, h 132 x w 228 cm, Walker Art Gallery"[3]

Albert Joseph Moore (1841-1893), A Summer Night, c. 1887, oil on canvas, h 132 x w 228 cm, Walker Art Gallery

Artist Albert Joseph Moore (1841-1893)
Title A Summer Night
Object type painting
Date About 1887
or 1890
Medium oil on canvas
Dimensions h 132 x w 228 cm
Collection Walker Art Gallery, William Brown Street, Liverpool, England, United Kingdom


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Joseph_Moore

[2] https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Albert_Joseph_Moore_-_A_Summer_Night_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg

[3] https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Albert_Joseph_Moore_-_A_Summer_Night_-_Google_Art_ProjectFXD.jpg

Peder Severin Krøyer, Summer Evening on Skagen's Southern Beach, 1893

Peder Severin Krøyer, Summer Evening on Skagen's Southern Beach, 1893

Peder Severin Krøyer, 1851-1909,  Summer Evening on Skagen's Southern Beach, 1893, oil oncanvas), 100 x 150 cm, Skagens Museum

Peder Severin Krøyer, 1851-1909,  Summer Evening on the Souther Beach, 1893, oil oncanvas), 100 x 150 cm, Skagens Museum

Peder Severin Krøyer (1851-1909)
페데르 세베린 크뢰위에르

Summer Evening on Skagen's Southern Beach
Summer Evening on Skagen's Southern Beach with Anna Ancher and Marie Krøyer
Summer Evening on the Southern Beach
Danish: Sommeraften på Skagen Sønderstrand
한국어: 스카겐 남쪽 해변의 여름 저녁

Object type


Depicted people
Anna Ancher, Marie Krøyer


oil on canvas
캔버스에 유채

h 100 x w 150 cm

Skagens Museum, Skagen, Denmark
스카겐 미술관

#PederSeverinKrøyer #B1851 #D1909 #Sommeraften #Skagen #Sønderstrand
#Summer #Evening #SouthernBeach #painting #portrait #AnnaAncher #MarieKrøyer #1893 #oiloncanvas #h100 #w150 #SkagensMuseum #Skagen #Denmark

Arts, Bruno Liljefors

Arts, Bruno Liljefors

What appeals to me is their expressive form, a picture of balance and perfection, and their organic connection to the surrounding terrain.
- Bruno Liljefors

나를 매혹시키는 것은 동물의 형태, 그 완벽하고 조화롭고 완벽한 순간, 그리고 주변 환경과의 유기적인 조화이다.
- 브루노 릴리에포르스

Arts, Bruno Liljefors, Quotes, Quotations

Champions, Billie Jean King

Champions, Billie Jean King

Champions keep playing until they get it right.
- Billie Jean King

챔피언은 제대로 할 때까지 계속 플레이합니다.
- 빌리 진 킹

Tennis, Billie Jean King, Champions, Quotes, Quotations

Money, Sir Thomas More

Money, Sir Thomas More

A little wanton money, which burned out the bottom of his purse.
- Sir Thomas More

타락한 돈 조금이 그의 주머니 바닥을 태워버렸다.
- 토머스 모어 경

Money, Sir Thomas More, Quotes, Quotations

Bruno Liljefors, A Fox Family, 1886

Bruno Liljefors, A Fox Family, 1886

Bruno Liljefors (1860-1939), A Fox Family, 1886, oil on canvas, h 112 x w 218 cm, Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, Sweden

Bruno Liljefors (1860-1939), A Fox Family, 1886, oil on canvas, h 112 x w 218 cm, Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, Sweden

Bruno Liljefors (1860-1939)
브루노 릴리에포르스

Swedish: Rävfamilj
A Fox Family

Object type

animal art


oil on canvas
캔버스에 유채

h 112 x w 218 cm

Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, Sweden

#1886 #1880s

Truth, Henry David Thoreau

Truth, Henry David Thoreau

Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.
- Henry David Thoreau

사랑, 돈, 명성보다는 진실을 내게 달라.
- 헨리 데이비드 소로우

Truth, Henry David Thoreau, Quotes, Quotations, Love, Money, Fame

Albert Bierstadt, A Storm in the Rocky Mountains, Mt. Rosalie, 1866

Albert Bierstadt, A Storm in the Rocky Mountains, Mt. Rosalie, 1866

A Storm in the Rocky Mountains, Mt. Rosalie is an 1866 landscape oil painting by German-American painter Albert Bierstadt (1830–1902) which was inspired by sketches created on an 1863 expedition.[1]

Part of "Albert Bierstadt, A Storm in the Rocky Mountains, Mt. Rosalie, 1866, oil on canvas, h 210.8 x w 361.3 cm, Brooklyn Museum"
Albert Bierstadt, A Storm in the Rocky Mountains, Mt. Rosalie, 1866, oil on canvas, h 210.8 x w 361.3 cm, Brooklyn Museum[2]

Albert Bierstadt, A Storm in the Rocky Mountains, Mt. Rosalie, 1866, oil on canvas, h 210.8 x w 361.3 cm, Brooklyn Museum


Albert Bierstadt (1830-1902)


A Storm in the Rocky Mountains, Mt. Rosalie

Object type



landscape painting




oil on canvas


h 210.8 x w 361.3 cm


Brooklyn Museum

Current location

American Identities: A New Look, American Landscape, 5th Floor

Place of creation

United States of America


1866, 1860s, Arts, Albert Bierstadt, Storm, Rocky Mountains, Mt. Rosalie

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Storm_in_the_Rocky_Mountains,_Mt._Rosalie

[2] https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Albert_Bierstadt_-_A_Storm_in_the_Rocky_Mountains,_Mt._Rosalie_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg

Wonderfulness, Lesley Gore

Wonderfulness, Lesley Gore

Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows, everything that's wonderful, Is sure to come your way
- Lesley Gore

햇살, 막대 사탕, 무지개, 멋진 모든 것은 반드시 우연히 찾아옵니다.
- 레슬리 고어

Sunshine, Lollipops, Rainbows, Wonderfulness, Lesley Gore