Showing posts with label Proverbs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Proverbs. Show all posts

Change, English/Chinese

Change, English/Chinese

A new broom sweeps clean.
- UK Saying

Someone new takes control of an organization and makes many changes.

새로운 빗자루가 깨끗하게 청소한다.
- 영국속담

新官上任三把火。 [xīnguān shàngrèn sān bǎ huǒ]
- 中國俗談

A new government official shines like three torches.
- Chinese Proverb

새로 부임한 관리가 세 개의 횃불처럼 기세등등하다.
- 중국속담

새로 부임한 사람이 부임 초기에 야단스럽게 실시하는 새로운 조치나 정책을 말함. 신임자가 묵은 폐단을 일소하기 위해 부임 초기에 의욕적으로 일을 벌이다.

Change, UK Saying, Chinese Proverb, 中國俗談, 영국속담, 중국속담

Health, Pembrokeshire/English/Chinese

Health, Pembrokeshire/English/Chinese

Eat an apple on going to bed, and you'll keep the doctor from earning his bread.[1]
- Pembrokeshire Saying

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
- English Proverb

If one eats healthful foods, one will remain in good health and will not need to see the doctor often.[1]

- 中國俗談


하루 한 개의 사과는 의사를 멀리하게 만든다.
- 영어속담

사과를 하루에 한 개씩 먹으면 몸에 좋다는 말.

Apple, Health, Pembrokeshire Saying, English Proverb, Chinese Proverb, 中國俗談, 중국속담


Lapse, Chinese Proverb

Lapse, Chinese Proverb

A tiny lapse can lead to a huge mistake.
- Chinese Proverb

A minor discrepancy leads to enormous losses.

- 中國俗談

터럭 정도의 잘못이 천 리만큼이나 큰 차이를 불러온다.
- 중국속담

Mistake, Lapse, Chinese Proverb, idiom, 中國俗談, 중국속담

Love, Chinese Proverb

Love, Chinese Proverb

A mother‘s love never changes.
- Chinese Proverb

- 中國俗談

엄마의 사랑은 결코 변하지 않는다
- 중국속담

Love, Mother, Chinese Proverb, 中國俗談, 중국속담

Love, Western saying

 Love, Western saying

Love laughs at locksmiths.

- Western saying

사랑은 자물쇠도 열 수 있다.

- 서양속담

Advice, Belorussian proverbs

Advice, Belorussian proverbs

Ү kaлaмyтнай вадa лecнo ca лobи.

- Belorussian proverbs

It is good fishing in streamy water.

- Belorussian proverbs

English equivalent: It is good fishing in troubled waters.
Meaning: In taking advantage of chaotic conditions one can easily serve one's own purposes.
Source for proverbs and meaning: Paczolay, Gyula (1997). European Proverbs in 55 languages. p. 391. ISBN 1-875943-44-7.

흐르는 물에서 낚시를 하는 것이 좋다.

- 벨로루시 속담

Advice, Afrikaans proverbs

language in
South Africa

language in

Advice, Afrikaans proverbs

Een swaeltjie maak nog geen somer nie.

- Afrikaans proverbs

The appearance of a single sign of a favourable event is not yet a definite indication of its coming.

- Afrikaans proverbs

Afrikaans is a language similar to Dutch spoken in southern Africa.

English equivalent: One swallow does not make a summer.
Paczolay, Gyula (1997). European Proverbs in 55 languages. p. 49. ISBN 1-875943-44-7.

긍정적 신호 하나가 나타난다고, 그것이 분명이 발생할 거라는 것은 아니다.

- 아프리칸스어 속담

아프리칸스어: 네덜란드어에서 발달한 언어로 남아프리카공화국에서 사용

Everything, North Korean Proverbs

There is everything except horns of a cat.

- North Korean Proverb

고양이 뿔 외에 다 있다.

- 북한속담

없는 것 없이 모든 것이 다 있다는 것을 강조하여 이르는 말

Intelligence, Proverbs

Those who spare their words are truly knowledgeable, and those who are discreet are intelligent.

+ Book of Proverbs 17, 27

말을 삼가는 이는 지식을 갖춘 사람이고 정신이 냉철한 이는 슬기를 지닌 사람이다.

+ 구약성경 잠언 17, 27

Son, Proverbs

A foolish son is vexation to his father, and bitter sorrow to her who bore him.

+ Proverbs 17, 25

우둔한 자식은 아버지의 상심 거리고 어머니에게 비탄 거리다.

+ 구약성경 잠언 17, 25

Advice, Book of Proverbs

Those without sense give their hands in pledge, becoming surety for their neighbors.

+ Book of Proverbs 17, 18

담보를 서 주는 자, 이웃의 보증을 서는 자는 지각없는 사람이다.

+ 구약성경 잠언 17, 18

Friend, Book of Proverbs

A friend is a friend at all times, and a brother is born for the time of adversity.

+ Book of Proverbs 17, 17

친구란 언제나 사랑해 주는 사람이고 형제란 어려울 때 도우려고 태어난 사람이다.

+ 구약성경 잠언 17, 17

Advice, Book of Proverbs

Of what use is money in the hands of fools when they have no heart to acquire wisdom?

+ Book of Proverbs 17, 16

[17:16] The exhortation to acquire or purchase wisdom is common in Proverbs. Fools misunderstand the metaphor, assuming they can buy it with money. Their very misunderstanding shows they have no “heart” = mind, understanding. Money in the hand is no good without such a “heart” to store it in.

지혜를 산다 해도 깨달음이 없으니 우둔한 자의 손에 돈이 있다 한들 무엇하랴?

+ 구약성경 잠언 17, 16

Advice, Book of Proverbs

Whoever acquits the wicked, whoever condemns the just—both are an abomination to the LORD.

+ Book of Proverbs 17, 15

악인을 무죄라 하는 자, 의인을 유죄라 하는 자 주님께서는 둘 다 역겨워하신다.

+ 구약성경 잠언 17, 15

Strife, Book of Proverbs

The start of strife is like the opening of a dam; check a quarrel before it bursts forth!

+ Book of Proverbs 17, 14

싸움의 시작은 물꼬를 트는 것. 다툼이 일어나기 전에 그만두어라.

+ 구약성경 잠언 17, 14

Advice, Book of Proverbs

If you return evil for good, evil will not depart from your house.

+ Book of Proverbs 17, 13

[17:13] The paradox is that to pay out evil for good means that the evil will never leave one’s own house.

선을 악으로 갚는 자 그의 집에서는 악이 떠나가지 않는다.

+ 구약성경 잠언 17, 13

Advice, Book of Proverbs

Face a bear robbed of her cubs, but never fools in their folly!

+ Book of Proverbs 17, 12

[17:12] Humorous hyperbole. An outraged dangerous beast poses less danger than a fool.

새끼 잃은 암곰과 마주칠지언정 미련함을 고집하는 바보는 만나지 마라.

+ 구약성경 잠언 17, 12

Advice, Book of Proverbs

The wicked pursue only rebellion, and a merciless messenger is sent against them.

+ Book of Proverbs 17, 11

[17:11] The irony is that such people will meet up with what they so energetically pursue—in the form of an unrelenting emissary sent to them.

악인은 반란만을 꾀하다가 잔인한 사신의 방문을 받는다.

+ 구약성경 잠언 17, 11

Advice, Book of Proverbs

A single reprimand does more for a discerning person than a hundred lashes for a fool.

+ Book of Proverbs 17, 10

[17:10] A wonderful comment on the openness and sensitivity of the wise and the foolish. One type learns from a single word and for the other one hundred blows are not enough.

우둔한 자를 백 번 때리는 것보다 슬기로운 이를 한 번 꾸짖는 것이 더 효과가 있다.

+ 구약성경 잠언 17, 10

Advice, Book of Proverbs

Whoever overlooks an offense fosters friendship, but whoever gossips about it separates friends.

+ Book of Proverbs 17, 9

[17:9] A paradox. One finds (love, friend) by concealing (an offense), one loses (a friend) by revealing (a secret). In 10:12 love also covers over a multitude of offenses.

잘못을 덮어 주는 이는 사랑을 키우고 그 일을 거듭 말하는 자는 친구를 멀어지게 한다.

+ 구약성경 잠언 17, 9